Perfect Sound

Step into a realm of unparalleled sound with our high-end headphones. Immerse yourself in premium audio quality that's finely tuned to captivate every note, every beat. Elevate your listening experience to new heights of clarity and depth, tailored for the true connoisseurs of sound.

The target group for the body sound couch with a horizontal lying surface is particularly doctors, therapists, masseurs, energy therapists and wellness facilities.

The original SWAVE technology gently calms and synchronizes brain activity through feeling, hearing and seeing, thereby leading to a meditation-like state.

Sounds, noises and music specially developed for deep relaxation are heard through headphones and at the same time are felt as pleasant vibrations by the whole body on the lying surface of the SWAVE body sound bed developed by Dr. Mussmann and for which a patent has been applied. Optionally, you can combine special physiologically effective light glasses, which also send synchronous, gentle light pulses to the eyes, thereby significantly increasing the effect. In this way, the brain is supplied with relaxing sensory impressions simultaneously and synchronously on three perception channels, which are optimally coordinated to calm brain activity.

This causes highly effective deep relaxation in the shortest possible time, whereby the entire nervous system is led into a regenerative state like in deep sleep (stronger parasympathetic nervous system). This has been scientifically proven to activate the immune system and self-healing powers and reduce biological age.

SWAVE technology works like this:



  • Burnout and burnout prevention
  • Sleep disorders
  • Depressive moods

  • Chronic pain
  • Tension headache
  • tinnitus

Perfect for home

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The target group for the body sound couch with a horizontal lying surface is particularly doctors, therapists, masseurs, energy therapists and wellness facilities.

The original SWAVE technology gently calms and synchronizes brain activity through feeling, hearing and seeing, thereby leading to a meditation-like state.

Sounds, noises and music specially developed for deep relaxation are heard through headphones and at the same time are felt by the whole body as a pleasant vibration on the lying surface of the SWAVE body sound bed developed by Dr. Mussmann and for which a patent has been applied. Optionally, you can combine special physiologically effective light glasses, which also send synchronous gentle light pulses to the eyes, thereby significantly increasing the effect. In this way, relaxing sensory impressions are fed to the brain simultaneously and synchronously on three perception channels.

Modules for SWAVE Lounger

    With each module, the effect of the SWAVE Lounger is enhanced and optimized for the respective application

    SWAVE light glasses

    Neurostimulation light glasses that stimulate certain brain frequencies and thereby create altered states of consciousness

    SWAVE Omnis

    The omnidirectional spherical loudspeakers for generating nature-identical energy fields
    320 x 375px

    SWAVE Hypno

    Treat yourself to your OASE Limited Time Only. End ins:

    SWAVE Lucia

    The ideal support for expanding consciousness